Youthworkers Support Network

National Network of Youth Ministries


The Mission of the National Network of Youth Ministries is to link youth workers for encouragement, spiritual growth, and sharing resources in order to expose every teenager to the gospel of Jesus Christ, establish those who respond in a local church, and disciple them to help reach the world.  The Purpose is to unite youth workers and national ministries to reach teenagers.  Networking means leveraging our efforts by working together ... and "together" means all of us ... youth workers, teenage leaders, teachers, parents, other adults ... everyone who loves kids, and wants to lead them to Jesus.

NNYM's "Values Agreement" is centered around four ideals: Personal Discipleship in prayer, relationships and Scripture; Equipping Students and leaders; Sharing the Gospel so that every student can experience transformation; and Encouraging Unity through collaborative relationships.

NNYM's model of a healthy network

NNYM's model of healthy networks includes a growing balance of praying together to discover God's desires for the community and network, building relationships to form a team that does life and ministry together, then developing strategies to mobilize the youth and adults in their community, and sharing resources to better utilize the assets God provides.

NNYM's Network Coaching Playbook is a valuable mentoring process for network leaders, especially those who are just starting a new network.  YSN/TheNet will be providing trained Network Coaches, to assist in using the Playbook to jump-start or strengthen networks.

For on-line resources, encouragement, training videos, locating current NNYM local and national affinity networks, go to

As of 10/26/15, there were 99 NNYM members in our Greater Houston Area.  As of 05/05/23 we're down to 62 ... and not all of these are active in youth ministry.  Of course, we would like to see our membership increase.  While there is no cost to become an NNYM member, there are valuable resources for leading effective networks, and for connecting with other youth workers, both local and national.

For assistance with a network in our Greater Houston area ... please contact John Butler, NNYM's rep for the Houston Metro area.

Note: Neither YSN nor our staff, receive any financial compensation from NNYM, for our partnership and services.