Youthworkers Support Network


The Campus Alliance serves as a partnership of over 40 national youth ministries and denominations to work together, to reach every student, in every school, for Jesus Christ.  Their website,, is a valuable connection point for outreach efforts across our country ... including of course, our Greater Houston area.

EverySchool and Campus Alliance logo.  Linked to their website.

Campus Alliance & EverySchool's values:

For more information, free downloadable resources, and a list of the partnering organizations, click

Our role:

Through the National Network of Youth Ministries (a Campus Alliance partner), our role is to help connect and encourage our area's current local school's prayer and ministry adopters listed on the's map, and also to identify and recruit new adopters for the "unadopted" schools in our area.

Note: Neither YSN nor our staff, receive any financial compensation from the Campus Alliance, for our partnership and services.